Who is atara wellness?

Hi, I’m Zoe.

Stemming from the word “Ataraxia” meaning a state of serene calmness, Atara Wellness was built from a passion for all aspects of mind, body and soul alignment.

Our being thrives in a state of mental, physical, emotional and energetic balance. When we are in this state we are living at the most aligned and abundant version of ourselves. Our lives seem to flow effortlessly and we are in a state of optimum wellness.

Throughout our lives the things we do, see and feel can shift our being into a state of imbalance, this is when we see the development of disease processes, negative beliefs and blocks that impede our whole state of health and wellbeing.

As a BHSc Qualified Naturopath, Holistic Mindset + Life Coach & NLP practitioner I am here to help you achieve ultimate balance in your life. Together we can break down your negative belief patterns, feel more motivated and inspired to thrive, glow and bring your being back to a state of Ataraxia.

If you are looking to enhance your life and shift into your own personal power or would like to learn more, book in a free 15 minute discovery call with me today.